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This personal waterfall shows you all of Aseidl's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

thats true that they kill innocient people but when you are in a war you have to think of good war tactics and that is one of them. to kill so the enemy dosent train. GET IT RIGHT.

4 points

i agree with justin because the lord allmighty gave the land and that whole land to the isrealis. i dont agree that two wrongs make a right but it was there land that wad basicly being invaded by the palistinians.

4 points

I think that the isrealis should have isreal, because it was their and in the beginning then they left then the palistaines moved in and now they want the land.

4 points

i think that the isrealis should have isreal because it was their ;and in the beginning then they left then the palistaines moved in and now they want the land.

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