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18sfriese's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 18sfriese's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The palestinians were never in Israel they were in palestine so the palestinians should not just get land for free that isn't theirs.

3 points

I think that the Palestinians just took land from Israel without asking and they deserved to be kicked out of Israel. I think this because when there is nobody around you don't take what is not yours

3 points

Even though the Israelites left Israel for a little bit doesn't mean that they gave up the land.They were just not in their country at the moment.

4 points

Israel was captured in defensive was by the Israelites so the land is rightfully theirs. Palestine was never a real Arab country because there was never an independent state in Palestine.

Supporting Evidence: Resons why I think this (
3 points

I think the Israelites should get Israel because they settled and developed a village there before any one else was there. Also the United Kingdom and the United States gave the Israelites the land. According to the Israelites God promised them Israel.

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