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18mlaurent's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 18mlaurent's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I believe that the isreals should get the land because they have been through so much and they should get more

4 points

I agree to you because the jews have been there just as long as the Palestinians

0 points

yea the jews have been there for just as long and they should get to keep it

3 points

the jews should keep the land but they should have to keep fighting for it

18mlaurent(1) Clarified
-1 points

yes but the palestinians have lived there the same amount of time

-1 points

so have the palestinians they have lived there for the same amount maybe longer but jewish should still have it

4 points

I agree because if god gave them it they should KEEP IT!!!!

5 points

I think israelis should get the land because in the bible god gave them land in israel and they should keep it

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