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2 points

Britin u need to just chill and except that the palistainians are bad just like the Nazi and just keep trying to kill the jews

1 point

dude the palistainains are the bad guys they just keep trying to kill all the jews even befor the holicost the arabs and palistainians were still attcking the jews

2 points

No britin ur wronjg the Jews were forced to leave there country and the jews were there first

3 points

I think the Israelis statement is better because.... During the holistic the Jews were forced to leave there homeland of Israel. Then when the holistic was over the Jews had nowhere to go. So the U.N and the U.S decided that the Jews would get the small country of Israel to call there home. Even after it was decided that the Israelis would get the land the Arabs and Palistainians still attacked the Israelis and they successively fended them off. And in every peace agreement attempt the Arabs always requested that the Jews leave there land. Even though the Jews said that they were fine with sharing the land with the Palistainians.

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