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18jmereness's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 18jmereness's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

ya but they left so they the land should be owned by palistinans

2 points

because you cant leave and come back and say i own the land get off

2 points

ya but they left and the palistinans took the land so the land should be owned by the palistinans

4 points

ya but they left so rightfully the palistinans own the land

3 points

ya but the isrealis came back and just took it they left and they came back and now its there way the palistinans took it fairly cause the land was open for enybody so they took it because you they were gone

1 point

the isreal people dropped bombs on heavly populated areas to get the palistinans to leave

1 point

the israelites left and the paletinans move in then israelits move in and were just like this is mine now leave so the took the land by brute force honestly the land belongs to the palistinans

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