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18itomasovic's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 18itomasovic's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Catey, they did not leave the land because they felt like it. They left because of many reasons. 2 million Jews left between 1890-1924. That is because of the Russians and from the Nazi Party. Would you be afraid if I tried to kill you because of your religion? Well that is exactly why the Jews left. The Nazi's killed 6 million Jews. 6 MILLION. Your family would die, you would die. That is why they left. I know I would leave to. It isn't safe. It is like if you had your room and you were happy then your brother came and decided to kill all your stuffed animals and went for you next. He brought the whole family with him. 5 to only you. Would you run? I think yes. But then after they leave, wouldn't you want the land you rightfully owned BACK? I would!

2 points

Palestinians hurt Israelis too. Numerous embassies and Israel travelers have been attacked by Palestinian militant groups. Here are only a FEW:

On December 26, 1968, Two palestine militants attacked an El Al plane about to depart, killing one Israelis and injuring two others.

April 2, 1986, Palestinian militants detonated a bomb on Trans World Airlines, killing 4 people and an infant.

Supporting Evidence: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (
5 points

I think that since God promised the land to Abraham, and God gave the Jews Israel, they should have the land NOT the Palestinians. The jewish people have lived there before the Palestinians. The Israelis settled and developed the land. The jews deserve the land because most were driven out of Europe during the holocaust. (Holocaust is the mass murder of Jews under German Nazi control during 1941-1945. Around 6 million Jews were executed. The Jews were homeless too, not just the Palestinians.


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