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18eschaut's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 18eschaut's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

They are willing to kill inocent people to get what they used to have back. They should at least give the Palestinians a little bit of land.

3 points

Why would you leave if god said that you could have the land? He allowed you to have the land, so keep it.

3 points

That doesn't mean that much either because just because you don't have as much land experience, doesn't mean you have to leave the land.

2 points

Well you can't just leave and say "I want the land back." That's like saying someone got up at a movie theatre and when you came back someone was in your spot. You can't just order that person to get out of your spot.

2 points

I think that the Palestinians should be able to have their land back because they took it after all the Jews left. They didn't think that they were going to use it because they completley left. The Palestinians just took advantage of the land since no one was there.

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