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18amarhefke's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 18amarhefke's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, I agree with Emily k. because it makes sense that they just split the land 50-50 instead of Palestine having like nothing and Israel having most of it. Why not just have 50-50?

2 points

I agree with you Catey. Why would they leave if God promised you the land? It doesn't make sense even if your religon was being judged and destroyed, you shouldn't leave because God gave you the land, you should cherish it and be grateful AND NOT LEAVE THE LAND.

18amarhefke(3) Clarified
4 points

Are you disputing me or agreeing with me? Your reply doesn't make sense.

2 points

The Palestines never made the Jews leave. It seems that the Isrealis are blaming them leaving on the Palestinians, even though the Palestinians had nothing to do with the Jews leaving their land. It was the Jews choice if they wanted to leave or not. They left so the land was up for grabs. Well who wouldn't take the land? If there is basicly free land to use, wouldn't you use it?

5 points

Just because they had the land first doesn't mean that no one else can have it. It is like if someone had a pencil and they lost it and you find it you don't necessarily have to give it back. You found it.

1 point

I think the Palestinian people should be able to have the land for many reasons. One, the Jews left and the land was up for grabs so the Palestinians came and took it. Now that the jews came back they are saying the Palistines took the land unrightfully. Well, just because you left, someone took it and now you want it doesn't mean you just get to have it back.

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