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18alester's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 18alester's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The land should belong to the Israelis because they have way more experience owning the land and they deserve it way more they have worked so hard so much for this land.

1 point

Justin you know what, I totally support you. They just can't come back saying I want this land like thats not cool

4 points

The Palestinians have nowhere as good as army as the israelis because they do not have as strong as army, therefore they can not defend their country from the other countries in the middle east.

1 point

Justin i support your post because of the fact of that Israel did figt lots of wars to get this land they can call their home now.

5 points

I do support the Israelis because of all the information that i found do the supporting details. Even though president Obama and other congress think that Israel is not being a good country

but they have reasons to be because in Bible a bible verse God said the land may be given to the Israelis.

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